Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lookit everyone, I'm going GREEN!


I am down for recycling and reutilizing. Really I am. I spent 2 years living in Japan and they have recycling down to a science. For one, they have to. It's an island about the size of California, so they really don't have the real estate at their disposal to simply 'dump n' probably sort'.

Here in the U.S. of A..... this 'going green' trend is really annoying. Does anyone else remember back in the 90's when recycling was the thing to do becasue that's what Captain Planet said? Does anyone remeber the Sega game 'Awesom Possum'? The Possum who fought evil pollutors and tree killers. How about that movie 'Ferngully'?  Going green is a trend like skinny jeans and neon colors. It'll go away over night, no one will notice, and it'll return like the infectious mohawk and it's cheesy half brother, faux hawk.

I recycle my waste. I have a functioning grey water system. I air dry my clothes most of the time even though I have a dryer. I ride public transportation to work even though I have a car. Why do I do this? First of all... I do it to save money.  Second,  while my house in Atlanta is my home, the Earth is my home. Afterall, my house would be nonexsitant if the Earth was gone. Simply put, we only get one Earth. I just wanna treat it as best as I can. I don't do it for recognition, I don't do it to appeal to a certain group of people, I do it becasue Earth is my home.

With that being said, that is why I get offended when I tell people I recycle and their response is: "Oh, you're going green?" SMDH!

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